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Digital Literacy and Tutoring at "the HATCH"

Working with laptops

940 사우스 "A" 스트리트, 모음곡 920

옥스나드, CA 93030

(805) 612-7091

학군, 학교 또는 교사 추천에 의해 이용 가능한 과외



Our computer lab at the HATCH exists to provide broadband access to families without internet, computers or other devices.  Children and families who need to use computers to do homework, search for employment, or housing, may use our facility free of charge.  Just call the office and let us know you are on your way in, or arrange a time to come in if you need help.


The need for instruction in digital literacy has grown since more instruction has moved to online platforms.  Students need to be educated in both computer literacy and academics in order to succeed in school.  The HATCH now provides free courses in Digital Literacy that prepare a student for college or a job as an IT Technician.  

Students may learn in person or online, or a combination of the two.   Any student without internet or computer access may use the computers and internet at our office.  Much of the coursework may also be done using a tablet or phone. 

Tutoring in other subjects is is also available by request!

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보호소 관리 리소스

옥스나드 학군

이것이오래된 사무실.  
940 사우스 "A" 스트리트 #940

옥스나드, CA 93030
재료를 포장하는 곳입니다.


여기에서 약속을 잡거나, 자료를 가져오거나, 개인지도를 위해 학생을 데려오십시오. 
940 S. "A" St #920
옥스나드, CA 93030

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